Caverns 3 the end of all holyness

Alright now it is my time, i decided that playing this game would be very dangerous,dangerous, i decided that i would. I played the game here is my story

The Game

I put the game in,and my house shook for exactly 67.9 seconds and it ended as soon as i farted, ummmmm okay.I remember playin the game until i died in the game for absoluteness NO REASON MY GOD HOW COULD THIS GAME BE SOO Stup.. ahhh emmm.Okay the game was in first person so, yeah i played as joe weird since this looks like joe from the guy who died

Ending of all and i mean all unholyness

i was looking at a demon and it looked at me and almost killed me i typing this right now and im half dead right now i must destroy the game. Ummm, ithink ill die now and i might fall on my keyboard ahhhhhhhh no it's back noooooooooo ahhhhhh please please i swear someone destroy the disc be strong dont play hold on i gotta take a piss ohhh yeah that's relieving ahhhhhhh hefbkfnblfabfjgadkgdfbffkbff he's dead but play the game it's good for you wait NO I HIT PUBLISH